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Consumption data

To help customers understand their water usage we offer a range of consumption data services.

Data protection

With all the services we provide that are outlined below, you’ll need to comply with all relevant data protection legislation and codes of practice. Any data we supply is in full compliance with data protection laws and you'll need authorisation from the customer to collect data.

If you’re aware of any breach of relevant data protection legislation and codes of practice you must tell us immediately.

Meter reads

We don't offer a meter read service. We’ll provide one meter read for each meter that’s connected to our smart network each month, where the data is available. These will be entered as wholesaler reads into CMOS. We don't charge for the provision of these reads.

Accessing digital meter data

If meters are located within our smart network we’re able to provide a digital meter data service. When we receive your service request form, we’ll check the location of the meter. We'll then let you know if we can provide digital data for it.

If we’re unable to provide a digital data service you can gather data from the digital meter by using automatic meter read (AMR) mode.

Third parties need to include evidence of customer authorisation when submitting a service request form. Please include your authorisation when completing your request.

Please refer to our wholesale service offering for more information on submitting requests for multiple meters. 

Installing your own data logger

You can attach your own consumption monitoring equipment (logger) to one of our meters but you’ll need to make sure that it doesn’t affect our existing equipment in any way. Where there is already a logger attached to the meter you can fit a splitter that will allow you to install your own logger next to it, at your cost. If you’re uncertain, please contact us.

If you’re unable to fit your own logging equipment, we may be able to provide you with a consumption data service or, you can ask us to exchange the meter so that it can be logged. Alternatively, you may install a private sub-meter downstream of the meter.

Water service intermediaries can ask us to exchange the meter by sending their completed service request form to our Wholesale Service Desk. You’ll need to include evidence of customer authorisation when submitting a service request form.

When you have fitted a logger, you need to let us know so that we can update the Central Market Operating System. Please email the supply point ID, meter manufacturer, meter serial number and date of connection to

Charges and terms and conditions

There’s a charge for several of the services outlined above. You can find out more about charges for any of the services listed in our wholesale tariff document. Full terms and conditions can be found on the service request form.

More information

For more details please see our wholesale service offering and wholesale tariff document, metering policy and Getting data from Thames Water meters guidance. Alternatively, please contact us.