Market data
Data for the non-household market is stored by the market operator so that information on registered customers, supply points, usage and charging can be centralised and governed. We’ll update the information stored in the system if asked to do so, or when we discover a change that needs to be made. Our services are summarised below and please see our wholesale service offering and wholesale tariff document if you’d like more information.
Maintaining existing market data
We maintain supply point data within the market registration system. You can ask to verify or amend this through the following services:
- Verify meter details or meter supply arrangements.
- Register a gap site supply point and add service components.
- Deregister a supply point or remove a service component.
- Amend third party references.
Your request might need to be investigated and the site visited before a decision can be made. Where data has been challenged but is shown to be correct, we may charge you for the service. More information on this is below.
Verifying meter details or supply arrangements
You can ask us to verify your customer’s meter asset details and supply arrangements within the market system. We’ll investigate your request and if necessary, visit your customer to determine the correct details that should be in the system. If the data in the system is incorrect, we’ll update the information and in cases where multiple parties are involved, share a data correction plan with those affected.
If verification is requested and the data in the market system is accurate then charges will apply. Full details are in our wholesale service offering and wholesale tariff document.
Registering and deregistering supply points
If you believe a change needs to be made to any supply point you can ask us to register or deregister your customer’s premises in the market system. We encourage you to look out for any registration issues and if you find a site that hasn’t been registered please let us know.
It’s also possible that your customer’s eligibility criteria may change and, in this instance, we can update the market system. We’ll investigate any requests received and let you know the outcome.
Incentivising gap site registration
We offer an incentive scheme for the registration of gap sites. In order to qualify for a gap site incentive, you must have a contract for wholesale services with us and be the registered retailer for the gap site upon it becoming a tradeable supply point. The gap site incentive scheme is not available to self-supply retailers.
If an application is successful, you’ll receive a payment dependent on the type of gap site that’s been identified.
In order to participate in our new gap site incentive scheme, we would ask that you let us know by sending an email to your Wholesale Market Services Contracts and Accounts Manager confirming that you wish to participate in the scheme. We will then carry out the necessary eligibility checks and send you the relevant forms to complete. As part of the eligibility checks you will need to have a self-billing arrangement set up with us. Without this, you will not be able to participate in our scheme. Please don't delay in letting us know as without completing the forms and checks, we will not be able to accept any applications.
Please refer to our wholesale service offering and wholesale tariff document for further information.