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Where our pipes are

We work within a 13,000 square km (5,000 square miles) area, from parts of Gloucestershire in the west, to areas of Kent and Essex in the east. We share borders with many other companies that provide water and/or sewerage services.

The map below shows the areas we serve - the grey area is where we provide waste services; blue is where we provide water. As examples, we provide waste services in Luton, whilst Affinity provide the water. In Aylesbury, we provide both water and waste services.


Clean wastewater area map

Property searches

If you need help in identifying the location of existing water mains and sewers, you can get this information from a property search provider.

We have our own Property Searches team. They can carry out an asset location search, which provides information on the location of known Thames Water clean and/or wastewater assets. This includes details of pipe sizes and the direction of flow and depth. Please note that there is a charge for this service, and information on the cover and invert levels will only be provided where the data is available.

Learn more about our Property Searches team and how they can help you.

Alternatively, you can view a map for free and establish the position of these assets at our office in Vastern Road, Reading, by appointment.

To book an appointment, please email us at

The offices are located at:

Thames Water Utilities Ltd
Clearwater Court
Vastern Road