Larger scale developments
We’re here to help at every stage of your development, Learn more about the planning phase of your development, including what you need to do and when you need to do it.
Clean water
Apply and pay for our clean water services, including new mains or service connections, using water for building work, disconnecting existing supplies, and diverting or abandoning pipes.
Apply and pay for our wastewater services, including adopting an existing or new sewer, getting approval for a connection, building over or near to a sewer, and diverting a sewer or requesting a new one to be built.
Using self-lay providers
Independent self-lay providers could offer cost-effective terms, fit in better with your construction programme and may also be able to install multiple utilities.
Using NAVs
You can ask a ‘New Appointment and Variation’ (NAV) to serve your development in a defined area known as an inset.