Work in the Thames Valley
We're investing in an ongoing maintenance programme across the Thames Valley and London. This planned work will help to keep your taps flowing and reduce leakage.
Current projects
Find out more about our planned maintenance in the Thames Valley area.
Chobham sewage treatment works upgrades
We're installing new screening and treatment equipment at the plant.
Guildford new main transfer pipeline
This work will transfer drinking water from Pewley Downs Reservoir into Netley Mill WTW.
Hampstead Norreys sewer relining
Relining our sewer main will help to reduce groundwater infiltration into our network.
Hitches Lane rising main replacement
We're replacing a section of the rising main serving Hitchens Lane pumping station.
Lambourn Valley sewer relining
We're improving our network in Lambourn, East Garston, Eastbury and Great Shefford.
Osney Bridge trunk main replacement
We're working to replace damaged water mains and reinforce Osney Bridge in Oxford.
Slough treatment works upgrade
We're developing our designs for the STW upgrade and new pipeline.