Creating our DWMP together
In co-creating our DWMP, we worked with around 2,000 customers and stakeholders from national, regional and local levels. We facilitated around 1,000 hours of interactive engagement activities. These included focus groups, surveys and webinars.
We carried out lots of our engagement work online, particularly during Covid-19 restrictions. We used a blend of digital and face-to-face methods to gain your views after this time, too.
Who we engaged with
Customers | Stakeholders | Regulators |
Topics we covered
- Your drainage and wastewater service
- Planning objectives and priorities for the next 25 years
- Acceptable solutions to our customers and stakeholders
- Affordability
- Final plan preferences
How we gathered your views
- Customer research programme
- Focus groups
- Interactive customer and practitioner portals
- Website
- Region-wide online survey
- Interactive website content
- Customer priority polls
- Public consultation on our draft plan
Our partnership working
We’ve lots of experience collaborating with drainage and wastewater stakeholders. Over the years, we’ve delivered many major and long-term integrated plans and solutions together, which have achieved sustainable benefits.
Through our DWMP stakeholder engagement, we’ve captured many more areas of common risk, highlighting the partnership opportunities that, if developed, could contribute to us meeting our shared goals.
In our final DWMP we’ve identified over 270 partnership opportunities of which over 40% are mature enough to be delivered in the first five years of our plan.
We invite you to work further with us and to let us know if you’ve any more suggestions for partnership-working opportunities that we can explore together.
We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who’s contributed to this shared plan since 2019. We’re particularly grateful for the feedback we received on our draft plan during the public consultation period in summer 2022. Your input throughout has helped us create a DWMP that's even stronger.
See how we’ve responded to your feedback on our draft plan in our You Said, We Did Technical appendix.
Find out more about our engagement work in our Stakeholder Engagement Technical appendix and our collaborative work in our Partnership Working Technical appendix.