Requesting environmental information
You can request records of environmental information held by Thames Water. We'll usually respond to requests within 20 working days. In some cases, an extension up to 40 working days may be required where the request is more complex.
We also publish a range of environmental information on our website. Before you make a request, you can check if we've already published it so you can access it straight away.
View some of the most common requests and links to where the information is available:
- Details on what storm discharge is and how we monitor it
- Volume of water treated by our sewage treatment works
- Planned infrastructure improvements
- Thames Tideway Tunnel
- Our annual performance figures
Environmental permits for discharges to water or ground are available on the Environment Agency website. You can search for permits based on permit holder, local authority and address.
If you'd like to review maps detailing our infrastructure and assets, you can view these free of charge by appointment. To book an appointment, please email us at
The terminal is located at:
Thames Water Utilities Ltd
Clearwater Court
Vastern Road
Information you can request
We've highlighted common topics we provide information on. You can also view more details in the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004.
State and interaction among the elements of the environment
These can include water, rivers, air, soil, landscapes such as coastal and marine areas, and biodiversity. For example, information on water sampling and flooding data.
Factors affecting or likely to affect the environment
These can be radiation, noise, energy or waste. For example, we disclose information on pollutions and sewage sludge.
Activities affecting or designed to protect the environment
For example, we disclose information on our infrastructure upgrades and environment improvement plans.
Reports on the implementation of environmental legislation
Cost–benefit and other economic analysis
Information on human health and safety, cultural sites and built structures
Please note, that Thames Water is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
If you'd like to request environmental information, please email our team.
Request environmental information
Charges for environmental information
The EIR allows public authorities such as Thames Water to charge a 'reasonable fee' for providing environmental information.
We respond to the majority of our requests via email. This is the quickest and easiest way to do so and usually would require no fee. We reserve the right to make a charge that will not exceed the costs we incur to provide the information.
Our charges may include:
- Cost of printing or photocopying the requested information
- Postage fees and materials
- Staff time
We'll contact you if there is a fee to discuss your request. We'll start locating the information once we've received your payment.
We make every effort to provide you with the requested records where we hold them. There may be times where disclosing the information wouldn’t be in the public interest. For example, where there is a security concern or if it would be too time consuming to collate the records.
If we cannot provide the requested information, we'll send you an explanation as to why. You've the opportunity to appeal too.
If you're unhappy with the way we've handled your request for information, please get in touch by email.
A senior member of the team will carry out an internal review of your complaint. We'll provide a response to you within 40 working days.
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you can then contact the Information Commissioner’s Office. They'll give an independent view of our decision.
You can find out further details on the Information Commissioner's Office website.
EIR compliance
You can view the number of requests we've received and closed from April 2024 in the table. Find more information on previous requests in the EIR compliance document.
EIR requests |
April - June 2024 |
July - September 2024 |
Total |
Requests received | 188 | 148 | 336 |
Open requests | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Requests closed | 188 | 148 | 336 |
Requests closed within statutory timescale | 180 | 142 | 322 |
Requests closed with a permitted extension | 26 | 15 | 41 |
Requests closed outside statutory timescale | 8 | 6 | 14 |
Compliance rate | 95.74% | 95.95% | 95.85% |
Internal reviews received | 3 | 2 | 5 |