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Thames Water Utilities Finance plc statement 28 June 2023 

Release date: Wednesday 28 June 2023
Thames Water Utilities Finance plc notes recent press speculation concerning Thames Water Utilities Limited ('Thames Water').
As envisaged in June 2022, Thames Water received the expected £500 million of new funding from its shareholders in March 2023 and is continuing to work constructively with its shareholders  in relation to the further equity funding expected to be required to support Thames Water's turnaround and investment plans. Ofwat is being kept fully informed on progress of the company's turnaround and engagement with shareholders.
Thames Water remains focused on delivering for its customers, the environment and stakeholders.
Thames Water continues to maintain a strong liquidity position, including £4.4 billion of cash and committed funding, as at 31 March 2023.
Contact the Thames Water Press Office for more information.