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How to install a new water connection

If you need a new water connection, here's an overview of the process and how to get an idea of pricing. If you're unsure if you need a new connection, please visit our help page.

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Understanding the process

Once you've applied for your new water service connection, our design estimators will conduct research on the local network and its capacity, to provide you with a quote.

After you’ve paid for your quote, your own plumber needs to lay the pipework from your house to your property boundary according to the specifics listed on your quote and point of entry diagram. If your plumber is not WaterSafe approved, we’ll need to inspect the pipework to make sure it’s compliant with UK water regulations. If your plumber is WaterSafe approved, they can self-certify their work and you won’t need an inspection.

 We’ll then connect your pipework to a water main near your property. 

Diagram showing the step by step process of getting a new water main connected.

Connecting to the main involves construction works, using specialist equipment to dig a deep trench in verges, footways and carriageways. Traffic management is sometimes needed to keep our workers safe. This can include temporary traffic lights, road closures and the suspension of bus stops/lanes.

To complete the works, we must establish an agreement with permitting stakeholders first. This could be the local authority or Transport for London, if your works impacts on their network.  

We aim to complete your connection within four months of establishing this agreement. It can take longer if the work requires difficult or extensive traffic management.

For a full breakdown of the process, see our new water connection process page.

Submit an application

Appointing a self-lay provider

In some scenarios, you may be able to use a self-lay provider to complete some of your construction work to our mains supply. Once you’ve applied for a new water connection, the quote we send you will advise on whether you can appoint a self-lay provider. Learn more about self-lay providers.

Frequently asked questions