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We’ve put together a range of DWMP documents and data so you can choose the level of detail that’s important to you, in the time you can spare.

We produced our documents in line with the industry guidance and framework.


Document suite

 Document  Description Time to read
The plan Our final DWMP Around 120 minutes
Summary documents

A Customer summary, Non-technical summary and Technical summary

20 to 90 minutes each
Catchment Strategic Plans (CSPs) Our DWMP is split over 13 CSPs Around 60 minutes
Technical appendices 22 supporting documents, covering detailed technical content 20 to 60 minutes each
Portals and data tables DWMP data as interactive maps or in table format 20 to 60 minutes each

The plan

This is our final DWMP. It details the development of our shared plan, how we chose what the plan contains and the outputs. It draws on detailed assessments from our technical appendices.

It has 110 pages and takes around two hours to read.

Summary documents

Customer summary

A high-level summary for our customers, covering why and how we developed the DWMP. It summarises the plan for the near, medium and long-term future across our region.

It's 14 pages and takes about 20 minutes to read.

Non-technical summary

An outline of the plan for customers and stakeholders who want a bit more detail. It includes the DWMP development stages stages, how we've engaged with customers and stakeholders, plus some partnership case studies.

It's 41 pages and takes around 45 minutes to read.

Technical summary

A more technically-detailed summary of our DWMP. It covers the approaches taken to develop it together with customers and stakeholders, and the solutions we need to address the future risks across our region. It's aimed at technical specialists.

It's 51 pages and takes about 90 minutes to read.

Catchment Strategic Plans (CSPs)

We've split our DWMP into 13 planning areas. Each CSP provides a breakdown of the plan for that specific area in our region. They cover the estimated impact of future risks and challenges in that area, plus the long-term plans we've collaboratively developed to tackle them. 

The CSPs range from 30 to 50 pages. It should take about 45 minutes to read each one.

Technical appendices

These provide supporting detail on the DWMP development stages, assessments and key topics. We’ve developed nine new appendices since our draft plan was published, that are now part of our final DWMP.

There are 22 technical appendices in total. They mostly range from 10 to 120 pages, taking from 20 minutes to around two hours to read. 

Portals and data tables

Our Customer portal and Practitioner portal provide a visual and geographical display of the data behind our DWMP, as interactive maps. 

We provide our DWMP data in a table format for our regulator Ofwat, for comparison against other water companies.