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Metered charges

Having a water meter means we base your bill on the amount of water you use. This is the fairest way to pay.

Plus, you can easily track your water usage in your online account.

We’ll send you a bill every six months. Your bill will show charges for every cubic meter (m3) of water used.

One cubic meter equals 1,000 litres which is an estimated 25 quick showers. It costs £2.4743 per m3 for clean water and £1.5480 per m3 for wastewater as of 1 April 2025.

Customer opens cover to read their water meter

Fixed charges for 2025-26

Once we’ve calculated your clean water and wastewater charges, we'll add fixed charges. These cover our essential costs, such as pipe maintenance and bill and payment processing.

Type Fixed charge

Fixed charge with surface water drainage rebate

Water £63.96 Not applicable
Wastewater £130.22 £80.06

Get an accurate bill

Your bill will show how much water you've used between the two most recent meter readings. Or between a reading and an estimate. Make the most of your bill by submitting regular readings and managing your water usage. You can also view the most common metered bill questions.

Meter icon

Submit meter readings

Taking regular meter readings helps us ensure you receive accurate bills. You can submit a meter reading through your online account. 

Dripping tap icon

Check for a leak

Make sure you don’t have a dripping tap, leaky loo, or other hidden leaks at your property. View our handy guide on how to check for leaks in your home.

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Water saving tips

We've put together some water saving tips to help you save water. You can also keep track of your usage in your online account. Or try our online calculator to see how much water and energy you use each year.

If your bill doesn't look right, please contact us. We're happy to help.

Extra help and support

We can help provide you with financial support and extra help when you need it.

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Get financial support

If you’re struggling to pay, there are many ways we can help.

Help paying your bill

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Accessible contact options

You can contact us using British Sign Language, an interpreter or through Relay UK.

View contact help

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Easier to read bills

You can get your bills in braille, large text and on a coloured background.

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