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Leaks on your property

Leaks in your home and garden are your responsibility to fix. We know it’s worrying to find out you have a leak on your property, so we’re here to help you get it sorted.

From mouldy, damp spots to structural damage, even little leaks can end up causing big problems. If you're on a meter, leaks can increase your water bill, too.

Once you discover a leak, you must arrange repair within four weeks. Our step-by-step guide tells you how. 

What to do with leaks at home

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Identify the leak

Leaks can happen inside or outside, anywhere within your property boundary. This includes all internal plumbing and the supply pipe under your garden or driveway.

Some leaks may be less obvious than dripping taps and leaky loos. Common signs include damp patches, low water pressure, or higher bills, if you're on a water meter.

You may also receive a letter or email from us if we detect a leak at your property.

How to check for leaks

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Check responsibility

Confused about who should be fixing your leak?

We’re responsible for public water pipes, which are usually found under roads and pavements.

You’re responsible for leaks within your property boundary. This includes internal plumbing and the supply pipe under your garden and driveway.

If you rent your property, your landlord is responsible for fixing leaks.

Check pipe responsibility

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Arrange repair

Whether you find a leak or we confirm one at your property, you must fix it within four weeks.

You can arrange repair through your home insurance if you're covered. If not, we recommend using an approved plumber or groundwork contractor.

If you've registered for financial support or priority services, we may be able to help.

How to arrange repair

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Tell us it's fixed

Once your leak is fixed, let us know so we can update our records.

We can then confirm the problem was resolved within four weeks. 

If you didn't use a WaterSafe approved plumber, we may come out to check their work. We'll carry out and charge you for extra repairs if we think they're needed.

Tell us about a fixed leak

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Allowance for leak costs

Arrange repair within four weeks and you may be eligible to claim the cost of the lost water. Terms and conditions apply.

If you're on a water meter, we’ll compare how much water you’ve used in the past against the amount recorded while you had the leak. 

If not, we’ll base the allowance amount on the typical water use for a similar household.

Claim leak allowance

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If you don't fix a leak

If you don't fix your leak within four weeks, we'll step in to protect our water supply and the environment.

Under Section 75 of the Water Industry Act 1991, we'll carry out and charge you for the repairs. 

In an emergency, we may need to turn off your supply until the leak has been repaired. 

View leakage code of practice