Customer commitment
We believe in helping provide a fair and competitive market. Our commitment to you includes:
- Supporting the commercial market and its customers.
- Providing high quality, cost-effective and responsive wholesale services.
- Developing good relationships with retailers, non-household customers, and new appointments and variations (NAVs) and third-party intermediaries.
- Ensuring a level playing field for all market participants.
- Offering services in a way that doesn’t discriminate.
We welcome feedback on how we’re doing so please contact us and let us know.
Guaranteed Standards Scheme (GSS)
We’re legally required to meet the standards of the GSS. If we fall short of these, we may pay compensation.
The standards are defined around:
- Making and keeping appointments.
- Responding to written complaints.
- Internal and external flooding from sewers.
- Notice of interruption to supply.
- Supply not being restored.
- Low water pressure.