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Our charges

Once every five years, Ofwat carries out an industry-wide price review for the five-year period ahead. We follow their guidance and consult the Consumer Council for Water (CCW) to review how much we're charging for our services.

Over the past few years, we’ve done everything we can to avoid increasing our prices. But to meet the challenges of today and the future, extra funding is now essential.

How much you'll pay in 2025/26

Your bill may vary depending on your tariff and the services you receive from us.

A family pouring and drinking tap water

Metered customers

As you have a water meter, we base your bill on your water usage.

A woman spraying her house plant with water

Unmetered customers

We'll work out your clean and wastewater charges based on the rateable value of your property.

What we'll spend your money on

From 2025 to 2030 we plan to:

  • Fix leaky pipes and the aging mains network to reduce wasted water

The changes we're making are part of our five-year plan. This sets out our ambitious goals to invest in and improve services for you.

With our large-scale projects, such as the Thames Tideway Tunnel and Guildford sewage treatment works relocation, we're transforming our network to help protect the planet.

Debt, bonuses and dividends

The money we raise won’t be used to pay off our debt or external dividends.

We’re also following Ofwat's guidelines on bonuses. We won’t use customer bills for executive bonuses unless our performance meets expectations.

Extra help and support

We can help provide you with financial support and extra help when you need it.

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Get financial support

If you’re struggling to pay, there are many ways we can help.

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Set up a payment plan

We can break your bill down into more manageable payments with a payment plan.

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Easier to read bills

You can get your bills in braille, large text and on a coloured background.