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Improving water supply to Didcot housing estate

Wednesday 23rd October 2019 12:00

Thames Water engineers

Thames Water will carry out a £15,000 project to improve the water supply to residents of a housing estate in Didcot.

A new main pipe will be installed in Didcot Road to serve the Great Western Park development in the town.

The 90mm-diameter pipe will be installed under the road and will reinforce the backup supplies providing world class drinking water to the estate.

The works will take begin on Saturday, October 26 and are due to be completed by November 8.

During that time, four-way temporary traffic lights will be in operation at the junction of Didcot Road, Miles East and Greenwood Way.

They will be controlled by engineers between 7am and 7pm to help ease congestion during peak traffic times.

Outside of those hours, traffic on the road will be monitored and the lights will be manually controlled if congestion builds up.

When the lights are not in use they will be turned off and moved off the road to ease traffic flow.

One bus stop will also be suspended eastbound on Didcot Road for the duration of the work.

A spokesperson for Thames Water said: “This is an important project to provide a more resilient water supply for the residents of Great Western Park both now and in the future, meaning they are less likely to experience interruptions.

“We understand the associated roadworks may cause disruption and would like to thank residents for their patience while this work is carried out.”