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Winter weather

Due to the recent changes in temperature, we are receiving a high number of reported issues like leaks and burst pipes. We are unable to accept online reports at this time.
If you have an urgent issue, please call us on 0800 714 614.
We’ve increased the amount of people available to answer our phones to help deal with the number of calls, which means that we are unable to accept issues submitted online at this time. Because we’re receiving more calls than normal, call waiting times could be much longer.  
If it’s urgent, please call us on 0800 714 614. 

Please ensure that your leak has not already been reported on our interactive map - if it's there, we are aware and responding to it. We will restore online reporting as soon as possible.


We’re really sorry if we’re delayed in answering your call. If you’re not ringing us about something urgent, please call back later if you can. 
Thames Water worker checking pipes across infrastructure

We’re fixing around 70% more leaks than normal. We’re bringing in more teams to help deal with the rise in leaks reported to us, and prioritising repairs to make sure we deal with the most urgent first.

Our staff are also busy treating and supplying more water, to keep up with the increased demand. 

What you can do 

If you have a frozen pipe, read our advice about finding an approved plumber

If you have a leak in your home or a broken outside tap, read our information about how to spot a leak and how to find and use your inside stop valve.