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Thames Water appoints new Customer Challenge Group to improve customer engagement

Thursday 27th January 2022 10:27

A women in a black top and blue jeans is poured a glass of water.

  • Twelve new members appointed to Thames Water’s Customer Challenge Group (CCG) to represent the needs and interests of the company’s customers.
  • The CCG is an independent body which plays an important role in helping Thames Water better engage with its stakeholders and customers across London and the Thames Valley.
  • The new membership includes representatives from a range of sectors and backgrounds including the third sector, local councils, regulators, and customer groups. 
Thames Water has welcomed 12 new members to its re-established Customer Challenge Group (CCG), to improve its engagement with customers and the communities it serves.
The appointments are an important part of the company’s turnaround plan to improve its performance and deliver excellent customer service. Working alongside CCG Chair Sukhvinder Kaur-Stubbs, the new members will represent the needs and interests of Thames Water’s current and future customers. All parts of Thames Water will work with the group as it develops its long-term strategy and 2025-2030 business plan to ensure they reflect the views of its diverse customer base. 
The CCG is an independent body which helps to ensure customer voices are represented in the development of the company’s future business plans and ambitions. The membership is from a cross-section of sectors including charities, local authorities, business and social housing in London and the Thames Valley. They all have experience of working with customers and communities with a wide range of backgrounds and including those in vulnerable circumstances. The group also includes representation from those with a keen interest in environment and sustainability issues.  


Sukhvinder Kaur-Stubbs, Customer Challenge Group Chair said: “I’m delighted to welcome the new members to the Customer Challenge Group. All of them are leaders in their field and we’re excited to start our journey advocating for the 15 million customers across the Thames Water region.  It’s important we reflect the diverse experiences of customers, and each new member brings different and challenging perspectives which will help Thames Water carry out its work and improve as a business and meet their customers’ evolving needs.” 


Cathryn Ross, Strategy and Regulatory Affairs Director, said: “Customers, the communities and environment in which we operate are at the heart of our business. We know our previous performance has not been good enough and we’re committed to turning this around.


“This dedicated group is here to challenge us and to help us understand the issues our customers face and how we can better serve them. They bring a wealth of experience from across all walks of life, and I look forward to working closely together to help us continuously improve and meet the needs of our customers.”


New Customer Challenge Group members
  • Nisha Arora: Director of Consumer and Retail Policy at the Financial Conduct Authority
  • David Brindle: Chair of Ambient Support and former public services editor of The Guardian
  • Jeremy Crook OBE: Chief Executive of Action for Race Equality
  • Peter Daw: Head of Climate Change at the Greater London Authority
  • Dr Charlotte Duke: Partner at London Economics
  • Baroness Grey-Thompson DBE, DL: Crossbench peer and Chair of ukactive 
  • Councillor Adam Jogee: Youth Leader and Mayor of Haringey
  • Sarah Powell: Water Company Account Manager at the Environment Agency
  • Tiger De Souza MBE: People Engagement Director at the National Trust 
  • Councillor Dr Pete Sudbury: Lib Dem / Green Alliance Member for Wallingford Division. Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment
  • Councillor Doug Taylor: Consumer Advocate for London and the South East at the Consumer Council for Water and also Member of Enfield Council
  • Monica Wilson: Senior Policy Advisor at the HM Treasury.
Further information about the new members and current member Kay Lacey, Chair of the Pang Valley Flood Forum, can be viewed on the Thames Water website


In July 2021, Thames Water appointed the CCG’s new Chair Sukhvinder Kaur-Stubbs.